Fr Joe's house at Mivumoni is mostly lit using solar power, harvested during the day and stored in car batteries for the evening. For special occasions there is a diesel generator which chugs away noisily providing power to the house, the church and the adjacent sisters' house.
During 2009, main electricity was run, first to Shimba Hills, then to Mivumoni School. Fr Joe had to pay to have the cables run the remaining few hundred metres to the church (and thus to the adjacent house, sisters' house and epilepsy clinic).
The cables are carried on poles, apart from the last few metres to the church where a trench was dug. The local chief told me how good the murram is at Mivumoni - murram is the gravel of small stones and sandy soil used to make roads in rural areas.
Project supported by: St Gregory's Church, Alresford